02 ♏ TEXT/ ACTION to roommates

Mar 04, 2011 18:10

So, I think I've decided that this city isn't half 8ad. I could have 8etter roommates, 8ut having gotten rid of some undesira8les, [ "undesira8les" ] I'm starting to think this place is alright if you make use of its magical properties.

You can wish for just a8out anything, o8viously, 8ut there's no guarantee you'll get what you want. For example, wishing for a fortune telling device only resulted in the cre8ion of lots of shitty magic 8 8alls. Uh, 8oys, if you're wondering a8out the mess in the living room, that should explain things.

Tell me a8out your experience in wishing for things- there's something important that I want to wish for and I want to make sure I get it.

So, I think I've decided that this city isn't half bad. I could have better roommates, but having gotten rid of some undesirables, [ "undesira8les" ] I'm starting to think this place is alright if you make use of its magical properties.

You can wish for just about anything, obviously, but there's no guarantee you'll get what you want. For example, wishing for a fortune telling device only resulted in the creation of lots of shitty magic eight balls. Uh, boys, if you're wondering about the mess in the living room, that should explain things.

Tell me about your experiences in wishing for things- there's something important that I want to wish for and I want to make sure I get it.

[ if you haven't replied here and you'd prefer voice/video to text, just say so in the subject of your comment. ]

john egbert, terezi pyrope, atoli, itsuki kagawa, trunks, vriska serket

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