Video; Action for castlemates. OH GOD HTML WHY

Feb 24, 2011 10:39

[So after getting settled in his ~BRAND NEW CASTLE~ aka Arborn Castle, Lampo has now in fact realized that there are other people living there.

And this just won't do you see, for Lampo is a Lord and therefore no one can live in his castle except himself and servants. And maybe the other Vongola Guardians if they bring him something nice, like cake or gold or they're Giotto.

Anyhow, the green-haired guardian appears on the screen, looking mildly annoyed] So, uh. You people. In my castle.

Yeah, you need to leave--like now. This is my castle and you can't have it, so get out. Unless you swear your undying loyalty to me. Then you can stay I guess.

Or if you're good at cooking, or cleaning then it's okay because I hate doing that stuff.

Also if you're a girl. You can stay if you're a girl. Actually, you should come up and see me right now if you're a girl.

[He pauses and looks off idly. He stares off at nothing for roughly half a minute before looking back to the seal] How do I turn this stupid thing off...?

[There is a lot of noise and blurry video before it turns off. Roughly a minute after it's off, it's turned back on and Lampo looks pretty damn smug]

Ha! Figured out how to turn it off. I was getting pretty pissed and just thought, 'I want this thing to turn off!' and threw it against the wall and it turned off.

So if you smash it against something, it turns off. I'm a genius.

katou julie, tsunayoshi sawada, lambo, anise tatlin, lampo, g., rachel alucard, kozato enma, mukuro rokudo (tyl), flynn scifo

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