Feb 11, 2011 09:23
Hey, everyone! Seems like we're gettin' new people coming in again, right? I'm Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town, nice to meet'cha! Er, if you neet any help, feel free to ask, alright? I'll try to do my best! Oh, and this's Pikachu-- he's my partner! [ And Pikachu gives its usual squeal of "Pika-pika!" ]
And has anyone seen Zorua? Maybe he left... Oh, right! Hey, Misty, Shaymin -- we should go check the Disappearing District! It looks like a whole bunch of fun!!
[action. And Ash is chilling near the Disappearing District, but not going inside. BECAUSE HE BASHED HIS HEAD A FEW MINUTES AGO shame on him but yeah you guys should bother him]
ash ketchum