003 ◊ [ Action ]

Jan 25, 2011 11:36

[ It wasn't what Ion had exactly intended his first wish to be, but it was helpful none the less. A small moment of closing his eyes and whispering- that's all he had to do- before being compelled into a certain direction. That direction of which would lead him exactly to the point of a certain apartment.

The Rotterdam Apartment building to be exact.

It was still fairly early, a time in which little would even dare to peek their eyes open for a certain Fon Master trotting inside the apartment. It didn't take him that long to reach his destination- alright, maybe it did - but by the time he reached the door, determination had taken over his expression. ]

Room... 610? This must be it.

[ A hand hesitantly reaches for the doorknob, turning it... and oh- what you do know? It actually opened. Ion's eyes widened with a hint of surprise. He actually didn't think he would get this far with his plan, but now that it was slowly forming into the motions, there was no backing down now!

And don't think this boy didn't come unprepared either. In his free hand he held a small bag; loaded with different food items. A carton of eggs, some milk, sausage links, and even a plastic bag of oranges all neatly bundled together. Almost as if... Ion was going to make a breakfast. Well, that's exactly what he was going to do!

Packed with a head full of knowledge from reading countless cooking books, the Fon Master finally decided to put his learning to the test.... and maybe hopefully patch up a relationship that was never fully brought together before.


So quickly entering the room, Ion silently made his way to the kitchen to prepare the meal. Removing everything from the bag as he turned on the stove. Huh. So it actually worked! This plan was getting better by the moment. Now all that was left to do was have Sync enjoy the meal and maybe... maybe even a decent conversation to have come forth.

Or so he hoped. ]

sync the tempest, ion

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