[It wasn't like he did it on purpose, you know. He liked having thumbs and stuff, they came in handy. He also liked being able to talk, but let me tell you, there was one thing that he could not do in his boy skin and that was catch a squirrel. The actual wish that had passed through his head with such fervor as to be noticed by the capricious wishing algorithms of the city was as follows: ❝I wish I could run like a dog.❞
this was the result. A tan chihuahua yapping restlessly at the
seal that is approximately as large as its tiny body.
That is all that one can see in the video at first, just that little dog yapping and yapping and yapping until finally something other than OHMYGODWHATISTHISTISISSOTERRIBLEANDAWESOMEANDWHATHUHIDONT passes through his mind and is articulated thusly by the seal:]
Guys! It turned me into a dog! Everything's huge! And I thought I could smell a lot of stuff before but now I can smell everything and it's so awesome! But I'm so tiny! And I'm kind of cold and I'm hungry and a dog and I didn't catch the squirrel.
[A bird flies above overhead and his attention redirects sharply, continuing his high pitched yapping in that direction before once again getting distracted by an itch on his back leg. He turns to nibble at it, and is then distracted by his own tail, turning puppy circles until he eventually lies down, dizzy.]
I'm hungry...