
Dec 28, 2010 08:34

[after hemming and hawing for quite sometime, Tsuna has finally caved in and decided to ask over the seals]



W-what do you do if there's a ghost in your house?

[this is a very important question, last time he met a ghost, it tried dragging him into hell or some underworld, sob]

[[Filtered to Akane]]

Oh, Akane---did you get my present yet? I-I left it under the tree in the living room b-but I wasn't sure if you saw it


[And if anyone wants to bother him, Tsuna left the door to his room wide open and is currently playing a little game of tug of war with Natsu]

[[ooc: backdated to the 26th]]

braig, tsunayoshi sawada, oc: tinkerbell, oc: helios sprensonne, ruca milda, akane awakusu, ritsuka aoyagi, lina inverse, riku, yugo

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