001 \\ [Voice + Action]

Dec 17, 2010 14:02

[Axel's sitting on the roof of the Tenna Villa, where he's just arrived. It's dark except for the dim glow of the city, and he turns the seal over in his hands for a minute before propping it on his knees and pondering it. At first glance, it might appear that this scene is a melancholy one, but it isn't. In fact, Axel is in terrific spirits, enjoying the night air and chuckling to himself (or the seal, whichever is more less weird.]

You have gotta be kidding me. Ending up in a place like this? Well, I'm not going to lie and say that I expected it. I might not have the beginning of a clue about what kind of a world this is, but I definitely coulda asked for worse, that's for sure. Pretty cushy, and I've never had a room that came pre-coated in cake. Niiice. Quite a change from sitting around in the dark, gotta tell ya. I can think of a few things this place is distinctly missing, but hey, who'm I to split hairs?

[A crooked grin makes its way slow onto his face]

Plus, it does come with a few perks. Can someone explain this?

[Axel wishes a candybar into existence and takes a bite before wishing it away again. He's now talking around a mouthful of chocolate-] So that's pretty cool, right? I got a few questions about...limitations, though, if anybody knows what's going on. Actually, I got a lot of questions, but most of 'em aren't quite as important.

isa, namine, lexaeus, axel, akane awakusu, ventus, alice [tales of], riku, izaya orihara, aqua, roxas

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