001 ◊ [ Video/Action ]

Dec 13, 2010 01:17

… Hello?

[ A small blink, curious eyes glancing into the seal before a tiny gasp follows. He shrinks his head back- turning it from side to side before drawing a hand up to touch his face. This was unreal. It has to be. The miasma, Tear, and Anise- ]

Is it true? Am I really--

[ A pause. A very long pause. Before anything is spoken again, the sound of shifting lien stirs. Another stir- patted footsteps lightly hitting across the ground as he walked. This place was curious- interesting even, and this curiosity had only lead Ion pondering down the streets of the Alphine District. He shivered, clearly trying to get use the feel of the weather brushing across his cheek. Everything seemed to real...

Another pause.

What had just happened? He could of sworn that life had finally left his lungs, yet when he took in a breath, the euphoric feeling of air rushing inside made himself visibly shake. So it was true. It just had to be! ]

---I’m alive? But how is this so? I thought that--….

[ Now his gaze drifts to the seal grasped tightly without notice within his hand. The screen shifts and ohai- have that curious face again. ]

Can anyone tell me where I am? Am I… could I be dreaming?

oc: bhernnev hryne, sync the tempest, anise tatlin, ash ketchum, decus nadel, yukari yakumo, natalia luzu kimlasca-lanvaldear, ion

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