Only the time I spent with you gave meaning to my worthless life

Sep 24, 2011 20:46

Characters: Seto and Firo 
Where & When: Alpine District, Cabin #1 - Night of the 24th
Rating & Why: PG
Summary: The sudden disappearances lately have startled Seto and he decides to go and check on Firo

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firo prochainezo, seto (fragile)

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immamartillo September 25 2011, 00:52:45 UTC
[ Meanwhile, Firo's slumped in one of the living room chairs, half asleep and in his normal clothes, minus the jacket. It's strange not seeing Kyo, his roommate, around anymore, but he's adjusted to living by himself. It at least means he can just fall asleep wherever he starts feeling tired without having to worry about bothering someone.

His eyelids are slipping closed when the sudden banging on the door jolts him awake. He tumbles out of his chair, then runs to the door. It's muffled, but he can recognize Seto's voice. It sounds like he's in trouble.

Now on full alert he flings open the door. ]



presumablyalone September 25 2011, 00:59:30 UTC
[Since Seto's leaning pretty heavily on the door, when Firo opens it he practically falls right on him. Though he doesn't pull away, instead his arms wrap around the other and his fingers latch loosely to his shirt.

And then the hiccups and crying really starts. You may be used to Seto crying at random times but this time he's really upset, more than usual. In fact he's shaking as he cries into the white shirt. It's out of relief and just him letting out the worry he had been holding in this whole run]


immamartillo September 25 2011, 01:06:55 UTC

[ Firo's too surprised to even glance behind Seto to see if there's a mugger or some other threatening individual following him. Why else would he be so distraught?

But whatever evil things may be lurking outside, right now comforting Seto is more important than any of them. Firo holds him close; by now his arms practically move into that position automatically. ]

S-Seto? What's wrong?


presumablyalone September 25 2011, 01:50:08 UTC
[He doesn't speak for a few minutes and just continues to sob into his shirt, making it pretty wet where his face is buried. Sorry about that Firo, he'll dry it later when he actually comes back to his senses.

You might here a mumbled "Don't go" in between the choked sobs and sniffles. Eventually he does look up and stare at Firo with his watering purple eyes. His cheeks and nose are still red from running through the cold]

D-Don't go...


immamartillo September 25 2011, 01:54:41 UTC
[ Without thinking about it, he uses his sleeve to wipe off Seto's face. It takes him a few moments to get what Seto means, and he kicks himself for not getting it sooner. Of course he'd be worried with everybody disappearing. ]

Seto? I-I'm not goin' anywhere!

[ His heart's still racing from worry, but he realizes that standing outside isn't a good idea. He turns back towards the cabin, keeping his arm wrapped protectively around Seto. ]

Come in. You can't be out in the cold like this.


presumablyalone September 25 2011, 02:08:40 UTC
[He closes his eyes when Firo wipes his cheeks which only makes more tears falls. Sniffling]


[He keeps his arms around Firo but moves with him when he turns towards the cabin. To be honest he had forgotten all about the snow and the cold wind, he was focused more on the person holding him]



immamartillo September 25 2011, 02:19:33 UTC
[ It may not be totally effective, but Firo tries to wipe those off too. He manages a nod and a small smile in response to Seto's question. It's painful to see his little brother like this. ]

Of course I do.

[ Firo moves slowly so as not to jostle Seto too much and guides him through the door- which he manages to close with a back kick- and into the living room. ]


[ 'Are you okay?' obviously isn't the question to be asking now. ]

Did you really come all the way up here..?


presumablyalone September 25 2011, 02:34:12 UTC
[Seto manages a small smile and walks with Firo through the door and just lets him lead them to the living room, not watching where he's going. He's too busy just resting his head on the other's chest.

It is a bit warmer in here now that he's aware that they're inside, it's nice. His grip loosens just a little as he nods] I-I was worried...


immamartillo September 25 2011, 02:37:52 UTC
I guess I can't blame you for that.

[ He's been a little worried too. The though that one day he'd wake up and be alone in Splendor terrified him, especially if it meant Seto would have to be alone in his world again. Trying to be comforting, he pats Seto's head. ]

But Seto, look, I'm not leavin' you behind if I can help it, okay?


presumablyalone September 25 2011, 02:51:59 UTC

[But what if Splendor just takes him away like everyone else? What if he can't help it? If Firo goes there's no telling how badly he'll just...snap. His eyes start to water again from those thoughts]

I'm scared...I hate this...It's just like home! I don't know when people are going to be taken from me and I hate it!! [Sobbing again]


immamartillo September 25 2011, 02:59:37 UTC
[ Firo squeezes Seto tighter. The thought of leaving Seto behind is agonizing, more so than being left behind himself. ]

I-I'm sorry, Seto...

[ He searches desperately for something comforting to say to Seto and wants to punch himself when he comes up empty. What use is he as a big brother is he can't console Seto when he's like this? ]


[ He exhales shakily. ]

...You just have to trust me.


presumablyalone September 25 2011, 06:17:37 UTC
[This time Seto hugs him tightly and cries into his shirt, not wanting to let go. The fact is he does trust Firo, he just doesn't trust this world. Who knows if it'll be just as mean to him as his own? It's just not fair.

Not fair at all.

So he nods slowly and sniffles, bringing one hand around to rub his eye] I-I trust you...M'sorry...


immamartillo September 25 2011, 14:24:26 UTC
[ He can't blame Seto; Splendor does seem to shuffle them around according to its own will. For a few moments, he feels the same doubt as he gently pats Seto's back. ]

Hey. It's nothin' to apologize for. I won't let Splendor take me away before you, okay?

[ He doesn't say it aloud, but inside he quietly repeats a wish to that effect. If Splendor enjoys granting wishes so much, it can at least grant him that one. ]


presumablyalone September 28 2011, 07:11:31 UTC

[Just going to nuzzle his face into Firo's shirt, inwardly wishing that if they were to be taken away, they be taken together...He wouldn't want to leave Firo here all by himself either. He just hopes that Splendor isn't as mean to him as his own world is]


immamartillo September 29 2011, 00:39:42 UTC
[ Firo lets him nuzzle and holds Seto tightly. He feels weak, not being able to cheer Seto up or attack the thing that's causing him sadness. The problems that you can't beat bloody are always the hardest to deal with. At the very least, he hopes the hug will comfort Seto a little. It's all he can do.

After a few moments, he realizes that the run up the mountain can't have been good for Seto.]

Are you cold? Or thirsty? Or hungry?


presumablyalone September 29 2011, 06:17:13 UTC
[The hug does indeed comfort him, in fact he calms him down to where he stops crying and hiccuping. His hold on the other loosens enough to where his hands barely have a grasp on Firo's shirt. They could easily slide off if Firo shifted around.

But now that he brings it up...he is a little thirsty...the warmth problem has been solved thanks to body heat. So he nods] I-I'm a little thirsty...


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