The dark always wins because it is everywhere.

Sep 10, 2011 20:16

Characters: swordofswans and darkestsomebody
Where & When: Somewhere in the Golden District, Night of 9/12
Rating & Why: PG+ (just in case)
Summary: He has already found his heart of Light. Now it is time to make the last piece his own and complete the preperations for the creation of the ultimate Key.

His preperations are complete, finally, finally, after waiting and scheming and twisting situations just the right way.

The Heart of Light is caught and readied, the Heart of Splendor is almost within his reach.

Now all that is left is to take back the Heart of Darkness that he had set loose, now that all light has been thouroghly drowned by despair.

Once he has caught it, once he has connected the pieces and gained his Key, once he has opened the heart, then he will finally be free.

Free and able to return it all to Darkness, just as it should be.

riku, prince siegfried

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