Stupid beans stupid stupid beans

Jul 08, 2011 22:19

Characters: Makoto Konno (tokiokakeru & Trunks (saiyajinsoul
Where & When: The baseball field, a week or so after the bean incident
Rating & Why: PG? It's a derpy confession on feelings.
Summary: Under magic bean influence Makoto promised to tell Trunks how she felt after magic bean influence had been lifted and she's finally ready to uphold that promise.

ohgodohgodohgod )

trunks, makoto konno

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saiyajinsoul July 9 2011, 13:46:20 UTC
With a heavy sigh, Trunks pocketed his seal and took to the skies.

The text didn't say why she wanted to meet, but he suspected it had something to do with the... bean.... incident last week. That had started out with a text message too, after all, and if it were something more casual she probably would've just done a broadcast over the seals like she did before.

Ever since he... told her... that thing, he'd been... Wary? Anxious? Nervous? that Makoto would make good on her promise. At the time, he hadn't expected anything to come out of it aside from some hopefully short-lived embarrassment. She had been under magical influence, she wasn't herself, they both said stuff - all sorts of things to be laughed at and teased about and eventually left as they were.

He wasn't supposed to worry about what - how - she thought of him, not right now. He'd be lying to himself if he didn't want to know, because of course he did, it's Makoto, but if she told him, he'd already know. Did he want to already knowStupid bean. Stupid stupid magic ( ... )


tokiokakeru July 9 2011, 18:51:58 UTC
Makoto barely registered the greeting. The voice pulled her from her thoughts and she looked around before her eyes stopped and rested on the other across the way. She made her way over to him, feeling nervous, unsure and a bit relieved at how quickly he had arrived. He must have left shortly after getting the text to have gotten here so quickly.

"Hi... Trunks."

Her fingers turned the baseball around in her palms as she tried to think of what to say next. It was a little difficult to think now. Pulse racing, having to look off to the side, cheeks becoming warm... Why was this kind of situation so difficult to handle? Why couldn't she just simply come to a basic conclusion. Maybe if she just started talking for now.

"Uhm, thanks for getting here so fast. You probably have an idea about why I messaged you... uhm, well..."

It was strange how for once the words didn't just want to come out. Usually, in these more awkward times, they would just rush out, voicing whatever it was in her head. Maybe because this time there was no way to ( ... )


saiyajinsoul July 10 2011, 06:14:55 UTC
Trunks kept unnaturally still, arms close to his sides, hands withdrawn to his pockets, once Makoto started talking. It was an effort to stay put when his body wanted to run around or do katas or fly off - anything to get away.

"H-hey, you didn't have to. Do this. If you... didn't want to. I said that, right?

It certainly wasn't superhuman speed that had him snatch up the ball she dropped, or extraordinary sight that made him stare at it as he handed it back to her.


tokiokakeru July 10 2011, 06:40:53 UTC
She took the ball back, nodding her head a little in response to his question. If she didn't, how would that leave them? Would they be stuck in this awkwardness? The things she said that day replayed in her head and she felt herself smile a little.

"I know that, but I... I want to do this. The things I said then, there was truth there. I, uhm, I really do think you're a great person. You've always been there to help me out and have been a wonderful friend. I feel lucky to have met you here."

Looking up at him now her face was ridiculously warm and she didn't doubt that her cheeks were visibly red by now.

"I... I couldn't figure it out before, how I felt. I wasn't sure what it meant to like someone and I was afraid of how things would change between us... I know now though that, well, uhm..." She felt her nervousness getting the better of her, her gaze faltering for a moment before she focused back on him, "I... I like you..."


saiyajinsoul July 10 2011, 07:11:23 UTC
Trunks felt himself steadily getting warmer, his face taking on a nice shade of pink. Makoto was always a nice girl, a good friend, always nice to him, and he'd always be her friend no matter -

wow her FACE is really red what are all these things she's saying what do they MEAN--

- his hands dove back in his pockets, clenched into sweaty fists -

She's saying something about LIKING someone wait did she say US crap--

- he hunched low, as if curling against an incoming strike -


- cheeks burning with embarrassment why did he say anything he SHOULDN'T have come -

I like you...."

- eyes screwed shut, "It'sokaywe'refriendsIunderstandwe'llalways be--!"




tokiokakeru July 10 2011, 07:27:31 UTC
Makoto isn't sure how to really react to Trunks', well, reaction. What the hell did he even just say? Something about friends? We'll always be friends? She doesn't even catch that softer what at the end. Her stomach suddenly feeling heavy as something she hadn't thought of hits her and she has to look away, eyes widening.

What if he had only said he liked her because of how she was acting? Because he assumed that she only felt that way due to the bean? He had said that it was okay if she didn't feel the same... Of course it would be okay if he assumed those things and they're were both on the friendship level still.

She doesn't know what to do or say, only able to stare down at the baseball in her hands that she is squeezing the heck out of. Friends... of course, that makes much more sense. Stupid, she feels so stupid, why didn't she think of that possibility?


saiyajinsoul July 10 2011, 07:40:29 UTC
Trunks, on the other hand, appears quite gob-smacked. He's pretty sure he heard her say what she just said. Pretty sure. Okay, maybe not. But he feels... good. And good is not a feeling he would have if he hadn't heard a positive response, right?

One hand slowly reaches out, as if he's going to poke her. "I'm ... sorry -- did you just.... say.... you...?"


tokiokakeru July 10 2011, 07:45:45 UTC
Her head jerks up when she hears him speaking, face flushed with embarrassment. Focusing on his words she realizes that he didn't really hear what she said? Then what was that outburst about? Maybe... Maybe she was wrong about wrong and was still right. Maybe he had meant it when he said he liked her and was expecting her to just want to be friends. That would make sense, but... what if she was wrong about being wrong about being wrong...

Now she was just getting herself frustrated thinking like this. Taking a small breathe, she exhaled slowly before deciding to repeat herself.

"I said that I like you."


saiyajinsoul July 10 2011, 07:53:56 UTC
".... Oh. I... thought... so." It feels like he's untwisting the words out of his mouth, but his reply sounds like a sigh of relief.

He can't quite say anything else after that, so he just.... beams. At her. And rubs his neck. And ducks his head occasionally.

If his face hasn't gone completely red yet, it will, right about now.


/slowly drags self to bed god i wish i didn't have to work in the morningksndkjn tokiokakeru July 10 2011, 08:05:05 UTC
Makoto watches him quietly, still feeling a little tense. However, once he smiles the tension eases and she relaxes quite a bit. The worry that she had been wrong vanishes and she lets out a soft, nervous laugh.

"Did... did you think I was going to say I thought of you as just a friend?"


/tucks you in ;____; saiyajinsoul July 10 2011, 12:10:02 UTC
The small noise he makes is stuck between a cough and a laugh.

"Yeah, I, um..."

It seems... dumb.... now, to have thought that way, now that he knows. Of course he didn't know then, but now he does, and it's... good. Why'd he think that again?

Trunks shakes his head, as if he still doesn't believe this.

"Yeah. I did. Wait - I mean! I like being friends with you - obviously, of course I like being your friend and I'll always like being friends with you -" his eyes constantly flicker back to and away from her face, just in case he says something wrong and he doesn't notice or something,

"-but this is... um. Good. Too."


\flops home from work tokiokakeru July 11 2011, 03:37:08 UTC
Watching Trunks, Makoto realizes that he seems to a bit flustered about all of this, much like herself. She gives him a smile, scratching at the back of her neck a little, "You know... I was really surprised when you said that you liked me. Well, after the whole bean stuff subsided that is. At first I wasn't sure what I should do. I kept wondering why you would like someone like me, but whenever I thought back on it... it made me feel happy."


/crawls home late from everything saiyajinsoul July 11 2011, 16:24:13 UTC
Trunks actually manages to fix his eyes on Makoto for more than a few seconds. "... It did?"

It finally, really registers, how nervous she is - has been, come to think of it; knowing that she feels the same way about this (as flustered) as he does, is... Well, it's making his insides do weird things. Not bad things, certainly not unpleasant. Just... weird. Odd. Fuzzy? And his smile, a lot wibblier. A hell of a lot wibblier ( ... )


/smashes face on sdkfjkn trunks why are you so cutekjns tokiokakeru July 12 2011, 03:12:50 UTC
It took a bit of concentration to understand his train of thought, but she got the important parts. She was sure that if her face wasn't already as red as it could be it would look like a tomato right now. All of those things he said... Makoto couldn't stop herself from smiling.

There is something nice about hearing those sort of words and feelings. Even though it still feels like there's butterflies in her stomach she isn't nervous anymore.

"You're someone I like knowing too, Trunks. I'm really glad you were there to help me when I first showed up here... that we were able to meet."


/toothily grins saiyajinsoul July 12 2011, 16:42:26 UTC
His gaze rolls back to Makoto. And stays on her.

What she's saying, how's she's blushing, how she's smiling... they still do funny things to him, but he gets it now. Why they do. And now that he understands (and that she understands, and the fact that he knows she does), he's.... okay with it.

Trunks nods, hands settling into his pockets more casually. "Me too."


tokiokakeru July 13 2011, 04:49:13 UTC
Makoto can only laugh shyly in response, her hands twisting over the baseball. She tries to think of what should happen next, but never really thought about what would happen after the whole professing of feelings bit if everything turned out kind of like it just did. She glances at the baseball in her hands and bing! BRILLIANT IDEA!

"Uhm, do you want to play catch or something?" A hasty, nervous laugh, "I mean, I just.. don't really know what is supposed to happen next, you know?"


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