Turn the page

Jul 02, 2011 23:01

Characters: knights_quill and YOU!
Where & When: Library, the morning of July 3rd.
Rating & Why: G - PG expected. Perhaps mild language if Fakir gets annoyed by anyone! :D
Summary: The librarian is doing some maintenance. Everything is quiet and all's well...so far. Open log for anyone who wants to disrupt the peaceful silence!

It's a new beginning )

oc: chey, ahiru, fakir

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Comments 76

GDI LJ I LIKED THAT TAG cygnet_not July 3 2011, 18:12:57 UTC
Ahiru tiptoed through the rows of books, an expression of deep concentration written on her face. She stopped every now and then to peer around a corner.

It was very important that she find Fakir before noon, but she was in the library, so she couldn't just call out his name. Even if Autor wasn't here to yell at her for being loud in the library, it was still against the rules.

Ahiru's lofty goal of being quiet was failed all in one moment, when she backed into a tall stack of books as she walked backwards in her attempt at stealthiness. The books crashed to the floor, and Ahiru flailed.

"Qua--!" She clapped a hand over her mouth, looking around anxiously.


FUUUU LJ WRYYY knights_quill July 3 2011, 18:45:19 UTC
And suddenly, the peace was disrupted.

Really, Fakir shouldn't have been surprised. Splendor was full of a bunch of morons who really only disturbed the peace.

He just wished that they didn't have to bring the idiocy to the goddamn library.

Somehow, it was only made worse when he heard the distinctly familiar high-pitched "quack" right after the loud crash of books against the floor. Immediately, he dropped his quill--still poised to be placed upon the paper before him--stood from his chair, and made a beeline for the source of the noise.



cygnet_not July 3 2011, 18:57:35 UTC

Ahiru dropped the bag she'd been carrying, and went down on her knees. Quickly, she fumbled to pick up books and started stacking them haphazardly, knocking down her smaller stack several times in the process.

She didn't notice Fakir coming her way.


knights_quill July 8 2011, 11:41:01 UTC
Fakir made a beeline for her, realizing that she was trying to help, but failing again.

And it certainly didn't help that she was knocking down the books he was trying to record and catalog in the files all day long...

Dammit, why the hell did he take this job?

He reached out, grabbed for her elbow to yank her away from the stacks of books. "Idiot--what the hell are you--?"


richest_heart July 3 2011, 19:36:58 UTC
Siegfried wandered into the library through a combination of chance and curiosity, and perused each individual volume keenly, but never did he unclasp his hands from behind his back to actually read anything. That is, until he trailed his finger over the spine of a volume of collected fairy tales. The book came quietly into his hands, allowing him to run silently through its pages.

He put it back before long, however, and continued on his way through the shelves.

A few other books received the same treatment, but he managed to gather a small stack before finding a place to settle. There was not much apparent connection between any of them; while the first book had had some thematic significance to his life, such as it was, the others ranged from mystery to science fiction, not that he had much of an idea what that meant.


knights_quill July 8 2011, 11:44:13 UTC
Fakir was surprised to see Mytho out and about in the library. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so--Mytho was quite curious and was always known to find himself in precarious situations. He should've known he'd wander in at some point. Particularly because Fakir worked there.

Fakir moved closer to the prince, eyebrow raised. "Are you looking for something?"


richest_heart July 8 2011, 16:43:53 UTC
"Nothing in particular, no." Siegfried closed the book, glancing up with a fairly mild expression, but a definite expression nonetheless; a quiet smile, his eyes narrowed thoughtfully, but gleaming with curiosity from underneath his lids as he returned part of his attention to the books. "I do wonder if it's strange that I've never done much reading. Even now, I could not choose a favorite kind..."

He looked up again abruptly, and gave the book before him a pointed tap on the cover before asking amiably, "What is your favorite kind of books, Fakir?"


knights_quill July 9 2011, 16:24:52 UTC
Over time, Fakir had grown used to the changes in Mytho. Little things. Expressions he never used to carry; the way he spoke; or simply a little shift in the way his eyes gave away how he felt.

It wasn't displeasing, but it was still new.

It did surprise him that Mytho would ask that question, though. Yes, he knew that the prince was rather curious--much to his dismay, most of the time--and that he wanted to learn more about himself. He just didn't expect that he would ask Fakir about--well, Fakir.

He crossed his arms. That was an easy question to answer, but he wasn't used to just talking about himself like this in the open. "...Fairytales. Fantasy and adventure.

"Is it necessary to choose a favorite?"


joining the chorus of WHY LJ WHY bindingoaths July 4 2011, 00:35:53 UTC
Alaude attacked libraries as he did almost everything else in life, with military precision. Judging by the pile of books in his arms the topic of the day was apparently modern physical science; judging by the aggrieved expression on his face either the books weren't to his satisfaction or the subject material was dry beyond imagining. He was stalking purposefully towards a quiet corner to spread the day's haul of carefully hunted knowledge all over a table somewhere and systematically gut it when he spotted the librarian. There was something naggingly familiar about that face...

He was staring, likely to the point of rudeness, but things like that had never concerned him much.


Re: joining the chorus of WHY LJ WHY knights_quill July 8 2011, 11:46:52 UTC
At first, Fakir hardly cared for the staring. Eventually, a mere glare in someone's direction would easily divert them from staring at Fakir. But he didn't think he'd need to this time.

Until he realized the staring at the back of his head began to grow heavy--he could feel the eyes boring into his skull, and it aggravated him to no end.

Being in the library was supposed to isolate him and give him some space from others for just a little while. He didn't need this.

So he turned, glancing over his shoulder and met that gaze head-on, eyes firm and calculating.


bindingoaths July 11 2011, 01:22:58 UTC
Possibly it was the glare, or just getting a good direct look at his face. In either case the memory clicked. The broadcast, from before. He didn't recall the message because it hadn't seemed particularly important at the time.

"The man. With the duck."


knights_quill July 11 2011, 03:06:28 UTC
His eyes narrowed.

In an instant, the knight was on his guard, standing up straight and facing the man head on. "What of it?"


notthehead July 7 2011, 21:06:26 UTC
The library was quiet.

Quiet was safe, and safe was...well, safe was all Chey seemed to wish for and not get to his satisfaction, nevermind the fact that not a single hair on his head had been harmed for so long. That wasn't the precise definition of safe he had constructed for himself at all.

He had smelled blood, and that was not safe. All the comforting in the world from the well-meaning big people wasn't enough to wholly convince him, but quiet? Quiet hadn't broken its promise so far.

Though Stein and those lessons in the language were long-gone, Chey still used the little secrets he knew to get inside without much attention drawn to himself; a window was almost assuredly cracked open enough for him to wiggle through and slink unseen into the shelves. It worked well for him, typically.

He hadn't been expecting a book to come shoving through the narrow space at the time he'd arrived, however. Rather than provide a smooth fit for the book in question as expected, Chey's presence caused it to stop short, only a little less than ( ... )


knights_quill July 8 2011, 11:50:01 UTC
Fakir blinked when the book hadn't slipped all the way onto the shelf as he predicted it would.

That was odd. He was certain that the rest of the shelf was orderly and organized, each volume spine-forward and straight up instead of crooked or leaning against anything.

Did he leave an inkwell behind it?

He pulled the book from the bookcase, eyes narrowing sharply when a rather familiar little being appeared before him.

...Again, he shouldn't have been surprised in this place. "What the hell are you doing back there?"


notthehead July 8 2011, 13:07:51 UTC
There wasn't enough force behind the shove and withdrawl to cause too physical a reaction out of Chey, save for the chance to bring his hands to his face lest another attempt at squashing was made. Which wasn't, as instead it was a face and a voice Chey remembered well enough. He peeked through his fingers and began a gradual rise out of his slouch 'til he couldn't straighten much more (even he was taller than that space).

'Fakir hello you are here now,' he uttered in thought, a mix of wonder and unease. 'I came in by the window there and was going to get out but I was crushed here then...'


knights_quill July 9 2011, 16:15:40 UTC
Fakir pulled the book fully away from the shelf and reached out to pull another to give Chey more space. "Were you looking for something?"

With all the activity Chey does outdoors, Fakir couldn't understand why he'd try to crawl in through the window of a library unless he was looking for something in particular.


mcneelyryx February 8 2012, 15:53:53 UTC
Занятно. Ждем новых сообщений на эту же тему :)
... )


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