It takes a village to raise a child...

Jun 11, 2011 16:13

Characters: oldest7yearold , claim_my_place dangotastical heartscrepes mykimlasca grimreaping offered him houseroom, plus some.
Where & When: 1115 Brixton Ave. (9th), 604 Collodi Street (10th-11th), Arborn Castle (12th-13th), Abandoned Carter Estate (14th-15th), and Rotterdam Apartments Room 305 (16th-17th, with Luke waking up on the 18th back to normal)
Rating & Why: Varies in the threads. Should be under PG-13 ( Read more... )

luke fon fabre, trunks, yuri lowell, death the kid, asch the bloody, natalia luzu kimlasca-lanvaldear

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With Death the Kid | Rotterdam Apartments, Room 305 | June 16th-18th (morning) youngest10yrold June 11 2011, 21:20:55 UTC
grimreaping June 12 2011, 23:41:48 UTC
[ Kid unlocks the door of #305 and holds the door open for Luke to enter, flipping on the light of the foyer; it seemed that Izaya was out at the moment, and the apartment was otherwise silent. The design was simple and uncluttered (especially since Kid allowed no clutter and cleaned everything himself) and a little on the modern side.

He had also picked up some simple groceries like he usually did, but today there were also special groceries -- the fun kind. ]

Here we are. Make yourself at home.


youngest10yrold June 13 2011, 01:27:10 UTC
[Luke, perhaps a little bit more steady on his feet than he was a week ago, walks ahead. The room's aesthetics remind him a little of being back at Asch's house, though a little more warm and friendly (though how much of that had to do with the fact that Kid was much friendlier than Asch about everything was up for debate). Regardless, he's a bit more sure of himself now than he was when he first turned into a child. This place was so different from back at the manor, and even if there were some scary or unsettling things, overall, he liked it.

After going a few feet ahead, he turns around and looks back at Kid.]


[Translation: You're coming too, right?]


grimreaping June 13 2011, 02:03:15 UTC
[ Kid closes the door and carries the bagged groceries to the kitchen -- which since it's an open floor plan, is basically just the far side of the living room. ]

Don't worry, Luke. I'm just putting things away. Is there anything you'd like to do?


/laaaate youngest10yrold June 14 2011, 21:27:23 UTC
[Luke watches Kid cross the room before hurrying after him watching curiously. He'd seen the servants and maids bringing in food sometimes, but only at a distance, since he wasn't supposed to be in those parts of the manor usually. He's never really seen it up close like this! He points at the bag.]



grimreaping June 15 2011, 03:53:16 UTC
Groceries. [ Kid pulls out a small box and shows it to Luke ] Would you like to help me put them away?


youngest10yrold June 17 2011, 03:02:19 UTC
[This was something new and interesting! Something he'd never done before...]


[Careful Kid, he might not put them away in order.]


grimreaping June 17 2011, 22:04:10 UTC
[ Oh, Kid will definitely be scouring all the cupboards and drawers later and rearranging things back into their correct places according to his mental catalog, but for now it's okay. ]

Thank you, you're being very helpful.


youngest10yrold June 19 2011, 08:39:04 UTC
[It takes Luke a little while to catch on to what he's supposed to be doing, but after a little while of watching Kid opening and closing drawers and cupboards, he begins to catch on, opening a cupboard door, taking whatever Kid gave him and putting it on whatever was inside.

Until he's inevitably distracted by the contents of some of the cupboards. He ends up plopping down next to an open door, having pulled out a tiny canister of some kind of spice and examining it closely.]


grimreaping June 20 2011, 04:35:20 UTC
[ After a few minutes of not having his helper, Kid crouches down next to Luke, balanced lightly on the balls of his feet. ]

What've you found there?


youngest10yrold June 20 2011, 07:47:23 UTC
[What Luke's examining, as he holds up to show Kid, is a simplified version of this, with the name clearly printed on the canister - in this case, basil.]


[Luckily he hasn't figure out how to open it yet, or there would be basil everywhere...]


grimreaping June 20 2011, 14:49:40 UTC
Basil is an herb. You use it when cooking to season food. It's very good on chicken.

[ Kid takes the canister, removes the lid, and withdraws a pinch of the dried green to show Luke. ]


youngest10yrold June 21 2011, 07:45:19 UTC


[Oh the dilemma, torn between talk about his favorite food and the little pinch of this new thing Kid was showing him. In the end he opts for the latter reaching out to try to take the pinch of herb from between Kid's fingers. Of course, he doesn't really understand how to hold something powdery like that, so if he got it he'd likely just end up dropping it on the way to whatever closer examination he plans to give it.]


grimreaping June 21 2011, 14:28:20 UTC
[ But Kid lets him try anyway, knowing full well it's going to end up all over the floor, and bug him. At least it's only a little bit and Kid can clean it up easily. ]

Chicken, yes. But the basil's really no good on it's own like that.


youngest10yrold June 21 2011, 19:08:57 UTC
[Luke takes the pinch of herb - dropping most of it as predicted - and his eyes follow the little shower of the part that falls to the ground. Some of the little flakes cling to his fingers, though and after a moment he pulls them closer to examine further.

He looks at them closely, even sniffs at them a little - tickling his nose and making him sneeze.

Once he's finished he looks back up at Kid. What now?]


grimreaping June 22 2011, 04:36:01 UTC
[ Kid sighs and pulls out a handkerchief for Luke to blow his nose on. ]

I suppose this begs the question, what is it you like to eat?


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