Nov 30, 2008 21:43

Well, today ends NaBloPoMo for me. :) It was an interesting experiment which I hope to repeat some other month.

Today was completely gray, which suited my mood fine since all I did was household chores and cooking. My feet are killing me. But at least I figure out why Finley was darting around in his tank; when his tail/fins brush against the wall, he gets freaked out and darts away. Haha, silly fish. You had me worried for a while. XP

Christmas cards will be sent in ... the first or second week of December, depending on how much I have to study for exams. Last call for anyone interested in receiving one from me. :)

And to exit out of NaBloPoMo ... an old meme.

1. Get six books at random. It doesn't matter what they are but try to just gather up six in your general vicinity. *Hint* The more varied the books, the better this is likely to turn out!

2. List the books and their authors in no particular order so credit is given where it is due for this masterpiece.

3. Take the following parts from each book:

Book 1: The last line of the book
Book 2: The second to last paragraph on page 63
Book 3: The last paragraph on page 400
Book 4: Line 2 on page 117
Book 5: The first paragraph on page 515
Book 6: The first line of the book.

Note: If the book you picked doesn't have a certain page, use the next closest page number.)

4. Put them together in order behind an LJ cut to make a story of crazy!

5. Tag 1,750 other people to do this meme. (Kidding!)

The books I used:

1. "Neverwhere" - Neil Gaiman
2. "My Teacher Glows in the Dark" - Bruce Coville
3. "Sense and Sensibility" - Jane Austin
4. "Obsidian Butterfly" - Laurell K. Hamilton
5. "The Hobbit" - J. R. R. Tolkien
6. "The Colour of Magic" - Terry Pratchett

"Thank goodness!" said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco-jar.

"Tell us why you are here," said the alien with purple tentacles.

Then Richard nodded, without trusting himself to speak, and stood up. And they walked away together through the hole in the wall, back into the darkness, leaving nothing behind them; not even the doorway.

Dryads were supposed to have died out, along with gnomes and pixies.

"Please don't." It was what Peter had been saying on the monitor. It pleased me that Riker was begging. Edward came back from checking the hallway. He had one of the sub-guns in his hands. He'd closed the door so that if we had company, we'd get a little warning.

The family of Dashwood had been long settled in Sussex.

nablopomo, meme, here fishy fishy fishy

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