A review of Sword & Sorceress, already:
http://thefix-online.com/reviews/sword-and-sorceress-23/ the excerpt: "In Kristin Noone’s “The Frog’s Princess,” the king is depressed because his wife’s dead, and their daughter is depressed because she has no magical skill like her mother’s…and because she’s slated to marry an arrogant magician. Princess Andrie makes friends with a magical frog and starts a chain of events that exposes her fiancé’s hidden cruelty. Everything resolves itself…well, if not happily, then at least better then it would have been. Noone writes a rather subdued and melancholy tale, shaded with grief. The sadness of Andrie and her father makes them more compelling, their story more memorable, than a simpler happy ending might."
A little later, one of the other stories (Deborah Ross!) gets compared to mine with the phrase, "Another sad, crystalline story like “The Frog’s Princess”..."
Thanks to Melissa Mead (melissajm) for sharing the review.