
Feb 24, 2017 21:52

I got the formal offer. I'm moving to Vietnam. I jumped for joy when I saw the offer in my inbox... now I can rest.

Now... Bek.
We've been able to maintain this correspondence for four years. It's amazing. I always think of writing him when something big or small happens. He's such an important friend to me, and some of the the best memories I have of Uzbekistan (small, simple moments like walking for a few blocks in the snow to buy some snacks in the corner store; going out to have a breath of fresh air after lunch; getting stuck in the office for another overtime and still enjoying the company) are with him.
I regret not saying a proper goodbye, but I suck like that. I never know how to say goodbye. I always lie and say I'm going to be back.
But then, maybe (hopefully) I've grown up a little now?

boy, uzbekistan, vietnam, work

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