Sep 24, 2017 19:15
Today the people of my church threw a celebration in my honor after I received the Laity Service Award last week. It featured several impressive elements, mostly designed by Bobbie Denny, and mostly centering around Clemson and/or drums. Safe picks, since those are passions which have not faded or changed for me in the past 20 years.
On my drive to church this morning, the sermon from whose-his-name on 105.7 was about boasting only in the Lord, or at least scriptures to that effect. (It was Acts 3.) The point was well taken. How could someone whose faith has gone through seasons of skepticism, doubt, stubbornness, etc. be recognized as "outstanding?" Only by the grace of God and the work of his Spirit over time. As Barry Bouchillon put it long ago: A simple man with a shaky faith in the hands of a loving God. Or words to that effect. I have the exact words written down somewhere but it would take a decent amount of searching to find them.
Celebration is not without its pitfalls. As Commodore Jerkface said in Pirates of the Caribbean: Achieving this recognition has brought into sharper contrast that which I have not achieved. Or again, words to that effect. And the comment is very true: there are many things that I do not have but wish I did. But one thing I do have is a supportive, loving church of Bible-believing Christians who seek to show God's love to others, and who are there for each other in times of need. And this recognition is a blessing, as it has brought that into sharper focus.