(no subject)

Nov 10, 2009 23:20

*I've been working a lot of overtime recently for various reasons. I've been getting a lot of headaches recently, too. I suspect these facts are related.

*I'm getting a group together to see 2012 on Friday. It's a movie in which the apocalypse chases John Cusack as he tries to escape in a car and, later, a plane. It's going to be a glorious pile of crap. I can't wait.

*The word is that Spider-Man 4 casting is getting rolling and with that, the rumors of who the villains are going to be is starting to gear up. It kind of sounds like The Lizard is a lock - which is a really good thing since he's easily the most filmable of Spidey's remaining rogues (way ahead of Sandman, for the record), with some Black Cat fun thrown in there. But the best part of the Black Cat rumor is that they're talking to Rachel McAdams to play her, and she's awesome. Also? Adorable.

*I loved yesterday's HIMYM. The bit in the car was one of the greatest scenes ever on the show and I will defend that opinion to the death.

*I'm trying to get into the Hockey Hall of Fame. I started a petition and everything! Go ahead and sign it!

*From the wiki entry on famed one-handed baseball pitcher Jim Abbott: New York Yankees teammate Mariano Rivera said Abbott could hit home runs into the bleachers during batting practice.

If YouTube were around during Abbott's career, he would have been a frickin' superstar.
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