I'm trying a bit of an experiment over on my long-running blog, Splattworks: for the first time ever, I'll be serializing one of my full-length plays, in this case my 1992 Oregon Book Award Finalist BOMBARDMENT.
The actual serialization begins tomorrow, but I've been ramping up to it all week with posts explaining what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, what BOMBARDMENT's about, and so on. I'm fascinated by the idea of bypassing the various gatekeepers between writers and the audience; so I really curious to see what happens...if I get responses, it's ignored, etc.
It started out as a lark, but, over the course of putitng it together during the last couple weeks, it's started to feel exciting, almost like an opening: figuring how to introduce it, digging up the old production photos and sorting through them, teasing it through Facebook and Twitter, and so on.
Anyway, if you want to check out the play and the process, the posts begin at:
http://splattworks.blogspot.com/2011/07/blame-it-on-radiohead.html Best,
Steve Patterson
Portland, Oregon