The Portland Oregonian had a story this morning about publishers of "bizarro" fiction: fiction that so far outside the mainstream or has such a fascination with breaking the rules and pushing the envelope that it fits into a category of its own. (Portland's Eraserhead Press was cited as an example.) And I got to wondering? Who are the weirdest, strangest, just plain creatively craziest theatres out there? (Not that being weird, strange, or creatively crazy implies they're bad--it may mean just the opposite.)
As least in Portland, I guess I'd have to give props to:
defunkt theatre (which just finished doing all four of Mac Wellman's 'Crowtet' plays);
Liminal Theatre (which works into some inspired design concepts into company-produced, non-linear scripts); and
Fever Theatre (which is just out operating past the ultraviolet).
So give it up. Who in your town can you proudly label "bizarro"?