Head spinning like Linda Blair on tequila and hash.
Let's see. Going to have a piece in the upcoming "Frenching the Bones" show, a suite of plays written by the Portland Center Stage playwrights group--about food and horror, in time for Halloween. The show is just marvelously daft and gross. Time and place TBA. My infamous three-act "Turquoise and Obsidian" will finally have it's honest-to-God shakedown cruise reading at Miracle Theatre Company on November 4th--a chance for literary managers, other colleagues, and the public to see what I've been toiling on for some 14 years. Signed the contacts to do "Dead of Winter"--a trio of my ghost stories for the stage--next February (in Portland). Doing that in collaboration with another company, the Bluestockings. Two plays--"Whitechapel" and "The Body" have been done before (Austin, Portland; Portland; Tampa--respectively), and the third play "Wet Paint" will be a world premiere. Plus, haven't got all the details worked out quite yet, but it looks like "Waiting on Sean Flynn" rises again in a "major midwest city"--more details when the ink dries on the contract.
The "Ghosts" show opened at the Portland Starving Artists Gallery Friday--lot of fun, good response to my photograph. (You can see more at:
http://joebuddys.net/index.htm) Working on my "Angels+Demons" photo series. Shot two sessions and have about four more booked and another four or five prospects.
And it's not even October yet. Yikes.