Nov 11, 2004 12:37
Ugh, I wrote so much and then something happened at the library got deleted. Blaaargh!
Anyways, we last left our heroines in a new jersey apartment and Jenn, our tragic one, had only an itty hand towel to dry her body with. They dressed and walked out the door, only to be bitten by the ass by David's broken promise. They wandered the streets looking for the PATH station for 45 mins. Finally they asked for directions and they were on their way, when suddenly they walked by a dead bird on the street, they scurried path screaming, when suddenly they walked by a dead bird on the street. Again they ran buy. Then they entered the smelly part of Jersey, it ranked of dead ocean and jersey people. They made it to the path and rode in the black hole of death. On their way there was a flash of red in the form of a car on the wall. Flashing, moving, larger than life the image danced a demonic dance on the walls of the cave. After what seemed an eternity they breached the surface and ended up in the WTC.
After entering the city they were attacked by men carrying illegal contraband. Knowing it was wrong to do so, but not caring Jenn pulled out her wallet, entranced by the smell of leather.
Jenn: how much?
Bag Man: $30
Jenn: $20
Bag Man: deal
Tiff: I'm so glad I came with Jenn because within the first 10 mins she has already bought something
They wandered the desolte streets alone shrouded in darkness looking for a subway to lead them to 5th ave. Hope was the only thing moving them onward. Dead end after dead end, looking, searching, for any form of life. The signs were misleading and only futhered their confusion. Their patience was rewarded when they finally found an walking, talking information man. He answered their questions and they were on their way... or so they thought. After getting on the train they realized what a grave mistake they had made. They realized that they had wandered on the wrong train and entered in Brooklyn. They realized they were going the wrong direction and hopped the next train, and ended up, DEEPER IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!! Finally they ended up on the wrong train and made it to 5th ave. They walked around until they reached Tiffany's feeding off of hotdogs and nuts they found in the street. Frugal is such an ugly word.
They realized the needed to go back to the place where they could actually shop, Chinatown! Putting the past train journey behind them they took another train and ended up in Queens! They finally ended up in Chinatown where they found the Mecca of Chinatown...
SO GOOD JEWELRY!! The multicolored rhinesones mixing with silver danced before their eyes. They dazeled the girls and they were wisked away into a time warp that transcended time and space.