... It's been about a billion trillion years since I updated. I've been really busy. My dad's still hanging in there, though I kinda wish he wasn't. His mind is going very quickly and he's gone 100% blind in one eye. And, as is apparently common in stroke victims, his personality has changed. Now he's nasty and hateful and spiteful. It hurts. Anyway, don't wanna talk about that, just wanted to let everyone know how he's doing.
I'm still playing City of Heroes, though I'm taking a break for now. I've been replaying Final Fantasy X instead. It's weird playing the American version after getting used to the international version. I liked the international sphere grid MUCH more. And I miss the Dark Aeons. Dark Bahamut was the nastiest fight, now that room is just empty. And imagine my disappointment when I'd gathered up 99 Dark Matters, the rarest item in the game, only to find that the [Ribbon] upgrade for armour isn't possible in the American version. I know... if you haven't played FFX that means nothing to you. But it's annoying.
I found out today that apparently it's bad form to double-space after a period when typing on a computer. You're only supposed to do that on a typewriter. I guess that shows how old I am, since I learned to type on a typewriter back when computer monitors came in two colours and BASIC was a big programming language. I'm gonna have to re-learn to type, since I've ALWAYS been putting two spaces after a period. It feels weird to only put a single space. Oh well.
I bought a
zentai suit on eBay today. I've wanted one since I first stumbled across them on the internet ages ago, and watching the Olympic Games made me want one even more (the Canadian speed-skaters have the most awesome uniform this year... the Americans are a drab navy-blueish grey). See, I'm a huge comic book geek, and I've always wanted my own superhero costume. It's not really for sexual purposes, I swear! Though, I admit that seeing me all slinky and shiny and skin-tight probably won't hurt Kyler's labido any. ;) But seriously, I've wanted one for a long time and I found a seller on eBay that makes them and sells them from China. I bid on one, a black and silver full-body thingy that's really shiny and cool looking. Kinda reminds me of the Paragon Protectors in City of Heroes, what with the full hood and everything. And the seller was only asking 0.99 GBP for it! Of course, since it's shipping from China the shipping costs will be like $25 USD, but still. Some rat bastard outbid me, so I had to turn around and outbid him back. I've got the high bid at about 2.00 GBP right now, with a max bid of 5.00. Only 8 more hours and hopefully I'll win myself a zentai suit!
FWA is this weekend and Kyler and I are going. I'm looking forward to it, it'll be good to see Kai again and to be around other furs, and I'm really looking forward to spending a whole weekend away with Kyler. This will be my second con and this time I'm NOT volunteering, so hopefully I'll have more fun than I had at RCFM last year.
And in a couple weeks, Kyler and I are going to Atlanta to see a couple of our favourite Georgia bands play. Shinedown, Echovalve, and two others I've never heard of before will be performing, and I love both Shinedown and Echovalve. Shinedown especially is particularly awesome, and their new album has been playing nonstop at our house for months. I urge anyone who likes music, especially good alternative southern rock, to look for one of Shinedown's albums. And I'm calling it here first: they're gonna be huge!
Anyway, it's 3:30 a.m. and I'm exhausted, but I figured while I have the chance I'd make a post here to let everyone know that I'm not, in fact, dead. Nor do I have amnesia, and I'm not hospitalised. I'm doing ok.