Update time I guess, because I haven't updated in ages it seems, and because
squirrelsofdoom demands it:
Things are going pretty well. Sleeping all day, staying up all night. Still haven't heard back from the place I applied for a job at (same place Kai works), but I should be soon. Things have been pretty slow, Kai and I are both going out of our minds with boredom. God fucking DAMN this state is boring. And the people are stupid. Stupid, and very wide.
Really, we just need to move the fuck out of here before we go mad. During our usual waking hours, all there is to do is go grocery shopping, hang out at Wal-mart, go to Waffle House, play games, or hump like raccoons. And the reason is because EVERYTHING else closes at 9pm. And even during the day there's nothing even remotely fun to do. So, life sucks right now. But things with Kai couldn't be better. =)
We're hopefully going to RCFM (a furry convention) in about a week and a half, assuming our sleeping arrangements there haven't fallen through. We haven't gotten firm confirmation either way yet, but we NEED to go and get out of here for a while. But, the person we were supposed to be sharing a room with, we were told that he's not going now. Just have to find out for sure, and hopefully sort out other arrangements if necessary.
Also, my dad just recently went through some serious stuff. He had major surgery on his neck because one of his arteries was 97% blocked and they feared he would have a stroke. So, they operated. However, shortly after surgery he DID have a massive stroke (because of all the crap they set loose in his system when they were mucking about with that blocked artery). By some miracle, he only suffered minor damage considering the severity of the stroke he had, and his biggest problem is that his thumb and index finger on his right hand don't work right, and he's suffering a little bit of speech problems. But it truly was a miracle that he got through this relatively unscathed.
That part's been a living nightmare because... well, if something happened to my dad, we'd lose my mom too. My mom and dad love each other so tremendously that neither could exist without the other. They are best friends and companions, and they need each other to survive. I'm really lucky to have the parents I have. They've been married for 30 years and they love each other more than ever. Most people can't say that.
Anyway, my dad's doing ok right now though he's still working to regain the last of what the stroke took from him. My mom's exhausted and broke, but relieved. My sister has been amazingly decent lately, helping my mom out and all that. I haven't really heard from Snicky or Max or Tigger lately, but I assume they're doing well. I miss them a lot though.
Well, that's all for my obligatory update. Hopefully Myste is happy now. =D