[title]: May All The Stars Hang Bright Above Her
[author]: splash_the_cat
[fandom]: Jupiter Ascending
[details]: PG. Jupiter Jones. Caine Wise. Jupiter/Caine. 1841 words. posted 05/19/2016.
[summary]: There are three things Caine Wise knows: the gyre is a cold place that cares for no one, he can only count on himself, and Jupiter Jones is going to change all of that.
[notes]: I needed something relatively mindless and fluffy to write while I was wrangling 400 events and the 270 people involved in them. Yay, con program scheduling. And then I realized halfway through this I was pretty much writing fic about a scene I'd written in another fic.
[tags]: Fluff, making out, cuddling & snuggling, sleepy cuddles, biting