Jul 30, 2009 16:14

I've been meaning to post this forever. So a few weeks ago the dwinn and I made our way over to the Detroit Science Center for the Star Trek Exhibit. It was pretty nifty. Geared more to the casual fan in some ways - lots of the information about the show was old hat to a couple of hardcore Trek nerds - but the props and costume exhibits were cool, and it was totally worth it for the opportunity to do this:

They had a full size replica of the TOS Enterprise bridge, and you could pay the exorbitant fee to have your picture taken, which we of course forked over like good little Trek fen. They also had a TNG era transporter set for pictures, as well as a full-scale replica of the Guardian of Forever.

We each did one, and they are now framed and hanging on the dining room wall. :)

dorktastic, people_love-story

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