Apr 29, 2009 12:15
Garden pictures! From last week, and it looks nothing like this now, as everything's exploded with all the rain we've had the last few days, and I need to take more already.
Things that are entertaining me: Lexa Doig's twitter (http://twitter.com/LexaShmexa)
I kind of want to start an infertility support community on DW come open beta, but wonder if it would be unsupportive to ban use of all terms like "Aunt Flo"; "babydust"; "Dear Husband (DH)" and "babydancing". ESPECIALLY BABYDANCING.
The writer brain has momentarily abandoned the S/J car thief AU for the old Sam and Vala space pirates story.
Pengiucon con hotel shenanigans have been sorted out. The hotel fucked up my original reservation and while I've procured a non-smoking room for sure, it's good our original group of four is down to two, since we're stuck with the one king bed.
Not that it affected anything, but I found it kind of hilarious that the day of my annual review, my boss had to call me at home at 9:30, wondering where I was (power outage = no alarm).
All the faculty and students will be leaving soon. I am clinging to that.