Jun 30, 2008 19:39
Clear skies and Godspeed, Papa General Hammond. The Gateverse won't be the same without you.
Thank you, lovely anon, for my already-nibbled jellybeans. I totally buy your claim that they came that way. :) It was incredibly sweet of you, and was a lovely bright spot in a day that sorely needed one.
I took the writer brain out behind the woodshed last night, and we had a little "talk." It's much more cooperative now, and actual words, even whole sentences, were written today. I think I'll leave that switch out and in plain sight for a while, just to remind the writer brain who's in charge around here.
A recent, entertaining moment of domestic bliss: The dwinn sees my wedding ring sitting on the coffee table. "Hey, what's that doing there?" he says pointedly. I reply, "The symbol of your love is giving me a rash."