Dear Universe: Please save us from the tender mercies of the
"OMG FATTIES UR GONNA DIE!" concern trolls, especially the ones who project their own issues with weight and health on everyone else in a purported show of one big intervention to save the poor fat fans from themselves. the fat fans who, guess what? AREN'T ALL THAT FUCKING STUPID. Also if you have to preface your post with an apology to the comm mods if it's inappropriate? IT JUST MIGHT BE.
On top of all the shit that went down at Wiscon this year, seeing this crap on a comm post for another con just makes me want to bang my head into a wall.
Edited to add from a comment I made below: Really, if that post had not come right on the heels of the Wiscon mess (and the OSBP at Penguicon)? I probably would have just rolled my eyes and scrolled. But for fuck's sake, I don't want con communities to become yet ANOTHER space where I am slapped in the face with the idea that my body is wrong, that it's open to comment from anyone who knows fuck all about me because of THEIR "good intention" or concern. I don't want con communities to become a space where I'm PAYING for the privilege of having my body up for mockery or lecturing or whatever. I get that for free every fucking day.