I bought a laser pointer for the cats. Cue Paradox hilarity.
This "giant spider attacks the space shuttle" video and the
accompanying lolcap.
annerbhp asked for prompts recently. I gave her Sam/Ronon, because there really isn't any and that's horrible (because they are now my "okay, so they're not really on screen together a lot but that's not going to stop me!" OTP). And she wrote
Eclipse, which filled me with glee.
fairmer told me that she scanned through massive amounts of Ebay to try and find me a replacement for the Tiny Hello Kitty Purse of the Patriarchy for Christmas. I'm totally giving her the mints, next time.
I've gotten a couple of very nice comments from the chair on my work recently. I'll always bust my ass because despite my slacker ways, I have a crazy work ethic, but it's really nice when it gets noticed.