Oct 07, 2006 02:33
1. Art does not create something from nothing. Art is created by building on the cultural context(s) the artist is steeped in. It is built on other art. The artist may work as an individual, but they do not create in a vacuum. Their medium is not just text or paint or clay, it's their experience as a member of multiple communities, and the histories of those communities. All art mimics and draws on something else, not just art you deem invalid, dickhead.
2. If literature is a gourmet meal, and genre fiction is a Twinkie, well, you may revel in the fleeting enjoyment of your meal, but my Twinkie will be around forever.
3. Do not diss the kitsch, lest I sic my lawn gnome army on your ass.
4. To quote a button I picked up at a con a few years ago: "Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it."