Help! I'm being seduced by Sam and Cameron as a pairing. It's largely the fault of these two fics:
Recovering the Satellites and
Though no amount of seduction will get me to refer to them as Sam/Cam. I have my limits, people.
My heart will always belong to the Stupid Cute OTP, but lo, I am shallow and and weak, and easily swayed by the utter fucking hotness that is Sam and Cameron. But really, I swear it's all about the pretty and doesn't mean anything. Really. Kinda like my recent fondness for Sam/Vala.
Of course, thinking of Sam in romantic relationships always makes me want to emphasize Sam as Sam, since I've come to the conclusion that Sam as an individual gets lost in fandom's preoccupation with Sam as part of a pairing. It's very rare to see meta in fandom that talks about Sam without at some point wandering into the romantically-linked men in her life. And yet, it's not at all uncommon to see discussion of the guys and absolutely no reference to Sara O'Neill, Sha're, Sarah Gardner, Ishta, Drey'ac, Shau'nac, Laira, etc. and so on and so forth. And I don't buy the argument that it's entirely the fault of canon, because with the exception of S7/S8, the majority of references to Sam's love life were really no more common than those of Teal'c's or Daniel's. And I think Sam's S7/S8 is pretty well balanced out by Daniel getting three seasons of searching for his wife as the major aspect of his characterization. I lay the fault largely at the feet of fandom, who can't or won't look at Sam without attaching her to a guy. I've been guilty of it too, and I think it's time that changes.
It was a big part of the inspiration for the Sam gen ficathon. And damn was I pleased at the response to that notion. 44 stories of Sam as a soldier, a scientist, a hero, a friend, an individual. Because she is, in canon, and yes, in fandom too.