Me to the
dwinn at dinner Friday night: "Don't escalate a war of childishness with me. I have far less shame than you do."
One of these days he'll learn.
I've had a draft of this post in Semagic for like a week and a half. The road to an lj post is paved with good intentions. Or the road to hell is paved with lj. Or something. Anyway. Yes. Whatever. All I've really had to talk about of late is work, which is less talking and more expletive-laden complaining, so I thought I'd spare all of you repeated instances of "OMG STUPIDITY. OMG ARGH. OMG HOMICIDAL RAGE. OMG WTF. OMG - ooh, did someone bring donuts?"
I had this big ol' meta-y post about writing and visual memory and... stuff right before work went ass over tea kettle, and Semagic appears to have eaten the draft, which is somehow appropos, since I have both totally forgotten my point with the post, and written a grand total of FIVE WHOLE WORDS in the last six weeks. And it's not been just because of laziness! I WANT to write. There is stuff in my head and it want to make its grand entrance into the big, wide world and demand its fifteen minutes of fame like one of the contestants on Fear Factor.
But I've been too brain-dead to want to make any opportunity to write, and writing home has been like pulling teeth, because there are too many distractions in things to be done (like the apparently never-ending battle with the caulk in the bathtub). So today, I thought, "Okay, the crazy at work is evening out, so you will write on your breaks, and at lunch." Well, I got neither a morning break nor lunch today, and the afternoon break was sacrificed to a quick coffee shop trip with
fairmer to save my sanity and feed her more Farscape DVDs. So I decided I would stay at the office after work and write. Five o'clock rolled around, and I thought, "Okay, I will start writing as soon as I finish this last thing." I stopped doing the last "this last thing" at six. At which point I thought, "Screw this noise, I'm going home."
Again with the good intentions and the road to nowhere. I think I'm going to have to start being a little bitchier about actually taking lunch and breaks at work (and not just for the opportunity to write), and start writing elsewhere in the house to mix things up and protect myself from the lure of comfort and slackitude on the couch. Maybe in the office (what a concept!), where it will also be easier to mock the
dwinn while he plays WOW. Bonus.
Random milestones: It's been just over a year since I handed in the final draft of the OMG MA PROJECT, removing an eight-year-old albatross from around my neck. The albatross and I were both very happy at this turn of events. And it's been just over three years since I peeked through my fingers and hit send on my very first fic, before I chickened out, thus cementing my tentative steps into online fandom (one might say cementing it like cement overshoes and then shoving me off the dock of sanity, if one were prone to ridiculous similes and metaphors).
On other notes of things fandom-related,
iuliamentis and I introduced
fairmer to Farscape recently. And she is well and truly hooked. Excellent [/Mr. Burns]. I've also been feeding her past Stargate in small doses (she's been watching S9 - more than I have, actually), and while the massive canon is a little overwhelming, she's enjoying that too.
I've been slowly catching up on my backlog of Sci-Fi Friday. I, um, haven't actually watched any of BSG since somewhere near the last third of the first season. While I appreciate and like BSG and what it's doing, I'm just not feeling any real love for it. I haven't connected to it. I think part of it is that I need humor to really connect fannishly with a show, and BSG, while it's wonderfully portrayed, and I really love some of the characters, just misses the mark with me. I'm actually rather sad about this. I WANT TO FEEL THE LOVE, DAMMIT.
Ahem. Moving on. I've become much more enamoured of Atlantis in S2. It feels less like the John n' Rodney show (not that I had huge problems with that, because I am a devotee of the snarky banter), the secondary characters are developing really well, and the overall ensemble feel its developed seperates it nicely from the central idea of the team identity that characterizes Stargate. Someone recently (and I can't for the life of me remember who - deejay435 maybe?) in a critique of S9 referenced the team as a character in its own right, which I thought was a great observation. Atlantis still has its team, but the the non-team main cast and secondary characters feel more central to the stories than just a core team, and I think it works well for this show.
SG-1 isn't holding my interest in the obsessive way it used to. Mostly it's just that its a different enough show this season that it's not my show anymore. Which I am fine with, because S8 gave me what I needed for my SG-1. I like some of the changes, don't so much like some of the others, but really need to watch the season from the beginning to evaluate it properly, because I've only seen bits and pieces and have a very disjointed view of the season right now. However, whataver complaints I might have about S9, it did give me
SG-1 in leather, so I am willing to forgive a LOT. For lo, I am shallow like that.
Oh! And a big thank to those of you who nommed and voted for
"In the City of Brotherly Love" in the Isis Awards.