poohmusings and
This made me think of you.
Spring has FINALLY sprung here (and if it now snows I will... probably just cry). I have been bouncing from task to task all day today, my attention span running about a minute and 45 seconds for any given item. I have gotten a surprising amount done.
Alas, I must rein it in before this evening, when I sit down and OMG PANIC because I have a draft of my MA project due and I haven't started (okay, technically the draft was due in March and the final version is due now, but I set those deadlines and my advisor knows me far too well). Oh, the research is all done, and so is the outline, but you know, it's that pesky writing it all out part.
I am having all sorts of issues convincing myself that if I just get this done and over with, I will be free of this fucking degree that has been sucking the life out of me for the last few years. But at the same time, I've been in school in some way shape or form for the majority of my life and as much as I hate it, I don't know how to let go of that. Because apparently I don't know what my place in the grand scheme of things will be if I'm not a student, OMG! Which ignores the fact that I have a very content and full life without school, and my crazy academic leanings do not actually require me to be in school to be assuaged, since I work for a university and all.
So. Yes. Issues. And the stupid project.