Okay so it only took me a year and change to finish this.
It's my own fault. Even though this series has ocassionally tripped over the line of canon characterization, I just couldn't bear have them jump into bed while still working together. So I found myself trying to write something hot, funny and fluffy, while still keeping as close to canon characterization as possible, getting them out of the chain of command without resorting to everything that's been done before to do that, AND avoiding all the first-time cliches that drive me nuts.
Which, unsurprisingly, led to it eating my brain. But eventually I beat it into what I wanted, and my lovely betas (
nandamai and
besyd) then made it even better. For
woodface, since the whole thing is all her fault.
"Consummate Professionals".
The first four stories in the series can be found here:
"The Big Question";
"License for Disaster";
"An Ordinary Day"