What is Anti-American?

Oct 31, 2008 07:47

This post and replies you may have are not meant to necessarilly be directed at the election, but more of a general philosophical commentary... but take them where you will.

So, in light of recent commments made by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on MSNBC in her bid for re-election, I have been pondering the issue thoroughly. She called Obama "Anti American" and called for a thorough media investigation into who in congress is Anti and who is Pro. To me, this smacks of McCarthyism... but beyond that, my question is, what exactly IS antiamerican... and who decides that? Obviously, hyjacking passenger planes and flying them into American skyscrapers in the attempt to cause panic in our country is Anti American. But where is the line drawn after that? Is the TARP bailout and AIG gov't funding Anti-American? Ayers would claim he was being a patriot in the attempt to sway America the direction he wanted it to go, even though some define him as a terrorist. Many extremists that are still living here are acting to change the country, not technically destoy it. Everyone who is a Congress person is devoting valuable life time and energy to the country, even if they argue with the ruling party every step of the way. Capitaist or Socialist, Muslim or Jew, Christian or Pagan, Chinese extraction or Irish, our country exists for the very idea that new ideas and multiple approaches may flourish within it's borders. As long as someone is supporting that cause, it could be said that no matter what they do, the are Pro-American.

I am making this post because I have developed some opinions, but, actually, I have yet to come up woth an answer that satisfies me thoroughly. There is always some caviat in my mind with every answer I can come up with. So, the question comes, how do YOU, dear reader, define "Anti-American"? When you hear it, what does it mean to you?
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