Я ж ужасно пишу... Посмотрите, пожалуйста, мою писанину и скажите, сколько миллиардов ошибок я сделала на этот раз... К сожалению, мозгов у меня мало, поэтому я сначала submited abstract для участия в конференции, а потом уже вспомнила, что у меня есть ЖЖ и вы легко можете понизить мою и без того ниже плинтуса самооценку помочь мне лишний раз не светиться плохим английским на международной конференции.
[Ознакомиться...] Candidate gene association study on IL1B genetic variants and cognitive performance/depression in the elderly: The Sydney Memory and Aging Study
Liliana G Ciobanu1 Здесь были имена остальных исследователей, но я их по понятным прочинам убрала.
1Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia 2Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Background: Accumulating evidence suggests involvement of inflammatory processes in the pathophysiology of age-related cognitive decline and geriatric depression. Many studies have shown a positive association between immune gene IL1B and AD, as a clinical manifestation of cognitive decline, suggesting that inflammatory processes, mediated via cytokine IL1B, may have a profound effect on cognition/mood in the elderly. Less is known, however, whether IL1B plays a role in preclinical gradual decline of cognitive performance and depressive symptoms in the elderly, which may be indicative of cumulative effect of low grade systemic inflammation on age-related cognitive performance/mood changes. In our study, we aim to investigate the quantitative relationship between IL1B genetic variants and cognitive performance/mood in the elderly.
Methods: Using genome-wide genotyping data from the Sydney Memory and Aging Study sample (N=1037) we extracted 40 IL1B genotyped SNPs in total (24 SNPs in and around the gene and 16 additional SNPs where there is an evidence that they may be “functional”). To prioritize the extracted SNPs in a strategic manner we applied haplotype-tagging approach. Using the Tagger algorithm implemented in Haploview (pairwise tagging, r2 ≥ of 0.8), we identified 20 haplotype-tagging SNPs for further association analysis.
Results: Using liner regression model we investigate whether there is an association between haplotype-tagging SNPs and various cognitive domains, such as attention, processing speed, language, memory, verbal memory, executive function, as well as depression (Geriatric Depression Scale) in the elderly. Currently, an association analysis is in the working progress.
Conclusion: In our study, we expect to determine whether IL1B genetic variation is associated with age-related cognitive decline and geriatric depression in a large population sample. The results of this study could potentially lead to further research in attempt to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the immune system - cognitive aging/depression interaction.