Kuroshitsuji Seiyuu Event 09 IS AWESOMESTICKS now that's something I wish I could've seen live XDDD I'm even tempted to sub this or at least the parody scenes because they were downright funny xD
Favorite parts:
♥OnoD's hand... XDDDDD
♥Tachibana Shinnosuke's mime act with OnoD's narrating~ hyuhyu~
♥Yusa Kouji's robot~
♥OnoD pulling the tablecloths... uh lol
♥Realizing halfway that Katsu Anri (Drossel that puppet) was Kibachiyo in Onmyou Taisenki */random*
♥The entireeeeeeee ad-lib parody section XDDD
♥Hino Satoshi as Angela pbbbb
♥Tatsu, Tachibana and Sugiyama's Ciel were too amuuuuuusing
♥Tachibana and Yasumoto's Soma and Agni... XD
♥Suwabe at the end of the original story XD;
I really can't wait for the next Kuroshitsuji season now xD;
Also been relistening to some of Nojima Hirofumi's BL roles... ♥♥♥