because 9 tweets at 140 characters a piece in reverse can get confusing.

Dec 13, 2009 04:44

It has become abundantly clear to me tonight, that I deserve every bad thing that has happened to me. This isn't a woe is me, or a sad emoIt has become abundantly clear to me tonight, that I deserve every bad thing that has happened to me. This isn't a woe is me, or a sad emo post. I've done a lot of fucked up things to myself and to others. For that I am truly sorry to all of you that I have hurt.

The important thing is that every day is a fresh start, unfortunately everything that I've ever done is coming back to haunt me. I've realized that there are things I've said, and things I have done that have irreversable consequences. But part of life is learning to roll with the punches. But i think that maybe i've rolled so many times that i've built a wall and have become totally insensitive to everyone's else's feelings. I am selfish, but I am only human. I am trying to please everyone, myself included.

My motto for the past two years is "shit happens and then you die" -- but i want to believe that there is more to life than that. i want there to be something more. So what does this mean?

I don't know.

Tomorrow i'll wake up and take another step towards redemption and recovery. Until then, I can only apologize to those i've really hurt and try to make things better.

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