I got a summons to jury duty yesterday. There seem to have been some recent laws passed to make it harder to get out of. Fine, I'm all for fair trials and the process of law working well and all that. What happens is you now get once chance to defer your jury duty for up to six months. I'm going to use that, as the date of my duty happens to fall
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Um, isn't daycare already government subsidised? I mean your employer doesn't give you childcare. You mean if it is a stay at home mum?
I realise it would be putting them to difficulty, but it is one of the few civic duties that are actually enforced in any way. And I think that is important, to everyone. I mean, jury duty puts everyone out, and it is actually a fairly horrible experience, for everyone judging by that study released last year. But it is one of the responsibilities that fall on your for the privileges that come with living in a democracy, and a pretty first rate lifestyle one too. Most cases will only require a few days of your life - longer ones are much more flexible about letting people out.
Mind you, if you really want out, study law. They can't get you out fast enough if you are a law student. Oh, according to a defence lawyer I know, have any sort of martial job too - cop, fireperson, ambo etc. Army. They kick them off the jury. I suppose the prosecution would say the same about counsellors and people who work for greens pollies etc. Change your employment on the electoral role to something that every jury in sight will dump you off!
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