Would anyone be interested in going to this? The dealine was
technically yesterday, but I'm sure I can still get tickets if it's
within the next day or so.
Indianapolis Indians Picnic and Baseball Outing -
Saturday, June 5, 2004
Enjoy a picnic and ball game at Victory Field.
The Indians play the Rochester Red Wings at 7:00 p.m. The picnic begins at 5:30
p.m. and includes hot dogs, barbeque chicken, hamburgers, pasta salad, baked
beans, cookies, soft drinks, and beer. The cost for the picnic and baseball game
is $18 for adults and $6 for children 16 years of age and younger. Come eat,
socialize, and watch the Indians battle the Red Wings at beautiful Victory
Field. Reservations must be made by
Monday, May 24.
Guests from Ball State
include James Ruebel, Dean of the Honors College;
Joanne Edmonds, Associate Dean of the Honors College; Tony Edmonds, Professor,
Department of History; and former Honors College Deans Warren Vander Hill and
Arno Wittig.