May 22, 2008 04:01
Speak to any person I know and they will tell you they never see me upset...
Well if you want to know how to make Spitty visit his ferocious side, just ask permission to use his computer when he is not at home. He will then set you up on the secondary computer, pull up a chair and clean everything off the desk so it is a clean and productive work space.
Once the Spitty has left, then decide that he gave you permission to Use his TV, and play with his videogames. Once you decide he gave you permission to do that, then decide he gave you permission to go looking for game controllers. That you can just leave anywhere on the cleaned off desk or bed when your done. Then once you find those after going through every cubbord and private drawer of the room, leave them open, you know, so people can see whats there.
Then once you attempt to turn on TV (With imaginary permission, of course!) and find that the TV doesn't work, because its not plugged in, howbout you give yourself permission to go searching through boxes and boxes of wiring of his, and leave it all out there. Then you can plug in the (WRONG) cable into the TV.
Now that the forbidden generous TV has been plugged in, you can also grant yourself permission to look for MORE cables that for some reason just arnt there! (why on earth could all these cables be missing, its like Spitty REALLY wants me to turn this TV on! (You wont find his cables, because they are still all in a box downstairs with all his rockband and xbox equipment)
Once you find some replacement cables to plug into the TV and Wii, feel free to disconnect the 5.1 stereo system that he has hooked up.. I mean, the Center Channel speaker really does look better upside down on the floor beside the bed, right?
Once you got all that hooked up, give yourself some permission to start searching for a wii game... Give yourself ALOT of permission.. like to even go through his desk, his clothes drawrs, his boxes in storage down stairs.. just open everything right up, mess all the clothes up, he likes wrinkled clothing, right? Oh, he really really wants you to do this, see because you cant find any games! You cant find any games, because he wants you to have fun searching through all his stuff! (You wont find his games because he took them with him to work >_>)
After all that hard work, Im sure he would have given you permission to knock items off behind his desk, specially beanybaby or other little precious statuettes.
And Im sure since your so exhausted, he'll give you permission to leave trash on the floor, and leave all this crap out here like this.. I mean, because Spitty did give you permission to use his computer afterall, what more needs to be said!
Of course, you did forget one little part... the part where I tell you not to touch the TV because it wasnt hooked up yet, since I had taken it to the Con!