Title: Lucky Pairing: Jon Walker/John Nolan Rating: R Prompt: socks Summary: The thing about Jon Walker is that he doesn't like socks. Word Count: 1259 Disclaimer
I forgot about the wedding! Oh man. Hah. And I'm happy that I did because I think you enjoy spoiling the amazingness of your writing before it's actually posted. That way my comments suck!
Well, missy, no sucking shall take place in this comment! No sir!! Ma'am... >>
Okay, so Jon and John? That is a pairing of perfection, just because of how random it is. And the kitchy aspect of their names? Adorable. Now, I am totally convinced that beneath JWalk's hatred of socks, he has a foot fetish. The last line (which generates pretty images of JNo, let me tell you) absolutely proves it to me.
Onto how damn gay both John and Jesse are. This is how their friendship really is. I do not doubt, for a second, that they flounce around malls looking for sexy corduroy blazers and spazzing over Morrissey for no real reason other than that they're insane. (Ahem, which means you need to write John/Jesse? Okay? Okay.)
Last, but not least, is how neurotic and loony and amazing both JWalk and JNo are. Seriously. The sock thing and the
( ... )
Comments 2
I forgot about the wedding! Oh man. Hah. And I'm happy that I did because I think you enjoy spoiling the amazingness of your writing before it's actually posted. That way my comments suck!
Well, missy, no sucking shall take place in this comment! No sir!! Ma'am... >>
Okay, so Jon and John? That is a pairing of perfection, just because of how random it is. And the kitchy aspect of their names? Adorable. Now, I am totally convinced that beneath JWalk's hatred of socks, he has a foot fetish. The last line (which generates pretty images of JNo, let me tell you) absolutely proves it to me.
Onto how damn gay both John and Jesse are. This is how their friendship really is. I do not doubt, for a second, that they flounce around malls looking for sexy corduroy blazers and spazzing over Morrissey for no real reason other than that they're insane. (Ahem, which means you need to write John/Jesse? Okay? Okay.)
Last, but not least, is how neurotic and loony and amazing both JWalk and JNo are. Seriously. The sock thing and the ( ... )
the rest of it is like, twenty kinds of awesome, but i do love the ending.
and anything jon flavoured. because i love jon.
it's all so cute! and i love your john as well. he's just adorable.
i love you <3
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