Title: Cornflower Blue
_poetic_harlot_ aka Kelly
Pairing: William Beckett/Conor Oberst, mentions of Conor/Tim Kasher
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Sheets
Summary: You are one, two, three shots into your breakup with Tim. Everything is stinging. Not like a pinprick, but broader, all-encompassing. Stinging like a scraped knee, caked with dirt and bits of rock, except it feels like you’ve scraped your whole body.
Word Count: 1,364
DisclaimerWarnings : Mentions of suicide
Author's Note 1: A story for the community
spittingink. Join it, comment the stories, and maybe even apply to write for us as well. You know you want to.
Author’s Note 2: Comments, please?
Cornflower Blue)