Dear Readers

Sep 17, 2009 03:00

I have to come straight with you. I have not written much of anything lately. I am overloaded with work and have other projects that are taking up most of my free time. So with that said, I’d like to apologize for the teaser of Obsession. Waiting for the new album has left me a bit strung out on HIM. I’m sure when the HIM Hype comes around I’ll be more inspired to finish the story or begin a different one. I am, however, writing a little here and there on other subjects and have been debating whether or not to put it up or not. They are not of fan fiction but merely of fiction. I have posted one chapter of these on my live journal if any care to read. But I will think about posting more or other writings. So in conclusion I’d like to apologize again for my absence and hope to be HIM-spired soon!

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