Oct 11, 2004 19:54
everything your not looking for is found when youre looking for something that will show up when youre looking for something else. why is it that people always want to ask you questions when youre actually reading? never at a time where you bring a book to make it look like youre busy but you actually want to talk to someone. hobbies? i dont have hobbies anymore. my hobby is being social. you use the imperfect tense in french if you are talking about something that was habitually done in the past. he was french, he thought. maybe dutch...from holland? but unsure. its hard to know what you are if you dont have parents. the pictures get pretty tasteless and vulgar as you move on, he said. tell me if you get uncomfortable, he told me. im not sure if he would be the kind of person to stop if i was uncomfortable, though. is it wrong that i was alone with him? it would have been wrong if i was uncomfortable. i was though, not in the im-going-to-be-molested way, but how-is-this-conversation-going-to-carry-on-once-we've-exhausted-this-subject way. diabetics can go blind?