(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 10:42

F i r s t s:
First best friend: Chase Knowlton
First car: 1994 Plymouth Sundance aka The Sundance Kid
First real kiss: Ashley Barrett
First break-up: Ashley Barrett
First screen name: Adam25280
First funeral: Cousin Jennifer
First pets: My dog Maggie
First piercing: Ears
First true love: Ashley Barrett
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: Kenny G, Michael Bolton, Phil Collins...
L a s t s:
Last cigarette: 5 days ago?
Last car ride: Yesterday to Best Buy
Last kiss: Hmmm...
Last good cry: Good cry? Is there such thing?
Last library book checked out: What the fuck is a library
Last movie seen: Office Space
Last phone call: Sgt Rogan or Kevin Lang
Last time showered: This morning
Last cd played: Atreyu - He Is Legend - I Am Hollywood
Last item bought: Office Space, Red Dragon, Enemy at the Gates
Last annoyance: Peoples shitty driving in bad weather
Last disappointment: Hahaha too many to mention
Last time wanting to die: Hmm 5th gradeish
Last shirt worn: plain white tee
Last website visited: www.myspace.com of course
Last word you said: no
Last song you sang: Saosin - Third Measurement in C
What is in your cd player? He Is Legend - I Am Hollywood
What color socks are you wearing?: white
What Color underwear are you wearing?: blueish
What's under your bed?: trash other things that are none of your business haha...
What time did you wake up today?: 8ish

C u r r e n t s:
Current mood: bored
Current music: Saosin - 3rd Measurement in C (acoustic)
Current taste: No idea
Current hair: Brownish/Black
Current clothes: White shirt, jeans...
Current annoyance(s): Waiting for my waiver for the Army to come back
Current desktop picture: Rocky
Current book(s): Umm none?
Current color of toenails: white
Current time-wasting wish: A lovely lady to watch movies with
Current hate: WAITING.

O n e o r t h e O t h e r:
1. Black or white? black
2. Boxers or briefs? boxers
3. Coke or Pepsi? fuck pop
4. Salt or pepper? salt
5. Sweet or sour? sour
6. Vanilla or chocolate? vanilla
7. Short or long? long
8. Cheap or expensive? cheap (no job)
9. Firm or soft? soft (like a lady)
10. Hot or cold? hot

M y F a v o r i t e...
1. Color is: blue
2. Song is: Saosin - 3rd Measurement in C
3. Scent is: Ummm apples?
4. Alcoholic beverage is: Whatever works the fastest
5. Food is: Chipotle

5 things you did so far today
Woke up
Worked out
Deleted old entries from livejournal
This survey
Thought about all the great memories from last summer

5 things you can hear right now
The keyboard as I type
My dog barking
TV in the background
My fingers tapping

5 things you do when your bored
talk on the computer
hang with friends
watch movies
work out

5 people that never fail to cheer you up
Kevin Lang
Andrew Horn
Travis Kelley
Bob Barker
Dave Chappelle

5 things you can't live without

5 things you love:
Spring time
Rising Park
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