Launching March 1, 2009

Jan 28, 2009 16:14

Originally published at spitkitten dot com. You can comment here or there.

So, here we go. This is the project I have been muttering about under my breath and bouncing in my chair over:

On March 1, 2009, Brain Harvest: An Almanac of Bad-Ass Speculative Fiction will begin its intrepid voyage, bringing you the best speculative short fiction we can find.

Brain Harvest will publish on the web and on your mobile device. We’ve noticed that a lot of reading is happening in non-traditional ways (hey, we see you, over there, glued to your iPhone or Blackberry. If you’ve got ten minutes, we’ve got the best SFF you can hold in your hand).

We pay “pro-rates” (5 cents a word) for stories 100 - 750 words.

We will be opening for general submissions on February 15, 2009. Please do not submit before then-we’ll delete everything dated before then.

Go to for full guidelines.

We are also offering a low-cost, high-awesome crit service, Fresh eyes, starting now. Depending on your needs and budget, you can rent up to four pairs of fresh eyes who will read your fiction and provide a one-page written critique in a timely fashion.

Find out more about Fresh eyes at

sf writing, on writing, geekery, publishing, woot, sf, my work

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