
Oct 08, 2004 22:34

It's CAS next week again. Guess where I'm going to?

That's right. Thailand. AGAIN.

*has mad, screaming fit*

Ahem. Anyway. :D Am actually quite looking forward to it now. I was all like, "eurgh" and stuff just a little earlier today, but meh, two funny people I know are going too. So it's all good. I was also a dork and drew up this little mural-ish design (we're doing painting this year... fantastic, just what I like, painting the walls of a place in a place hot enough to cook huge lumps of fat. And by that I mean me). It stars these Pacman-ish characters and vowels. Erm.

I am rather pleased with how Art's going. It's an awful lot of work, but Mr. Doherty keeps giving me all this, erm, positive reinforcement and positive regard (hoo HAH, and I do learn things in Psychology while half-asleep!) and so... yeah. It's fun. That, plus the fact that I couldn't resist this teensy little gloat at the fact that a good lot of the class are doing paintings and I was the only one crazy *cough*talented*cough* (*immodest little smile*) enough to sketch it from a photo to huge size. Hee.

lojikle, Semagic has just informed me that it is your birthday tomorrow. Why have you not told me, you silly thing? Now I can't send stuff and... erm, stuff. Buh.

Oh. And there was Buffy last night. The season finale. The one with adorable ickle Andrew and a very dead Tara. It was, erm, terrible. What was the point of bringing Angel in? So he could snog Buffy and get Spike jealous? FOR WHAT?! The whole Spike-being-jealous lasted only about five minutes! And then Spike was all mushy and stuff and bleargh. Am I meant to wibble at that? I hate it when the bad guys turn good! Like Ren of Shaman King. Kaff. And then he died? WTF dude. That is so stupid. So if I'm to believe what I've heard, Buffy first fell in love with Angel (who went PSYCHO then went to LA for some reason), then in love with Riley (whose departure amused me faar too much) then in love with Spike, who went up in a pillar of flaming glory. Blech. Why didn't they just, like, plant bombs along the school floors, open up the thingie and then blow up the school? Hello sunlight. I am so confused.

And then Anya died! Okay, not that I was particularly fond of Anya or anything, but she was really cute. And why was Willow all drugged and stuff? I like psycho!Willow. And I hate Kennedy! Ew. She's so not as cute as Tara. Even though Tara annoyed the hell out of me because she (and, technically, Willow) talked like she was constipated, she was still better than Kennedy. The part where Willow was on the bed reading and freaking out and Kennedy was going all, "I HAVETH FAITHE IN J00!" made me feel sick. And then how she did this funny huggle thing at the end. Whyyy. And, holy cow, maybe it's just me, but there looks as if there's such a huge age difference. Buh, am so not one for age differences.

The part where Buffy fell down was really funny. Like how she was so dead and stuff and everyone got beaten back (hello, Faith was only dogpiled by about a couple gajillion eyeless dudes) there suddenly the First was there and she was all, "I want you to get out of my face," and stuff and then she stood up and slashed and, for some reason, three of the eyeless guys (I've forgotten their name, damn it) fall off a cliff. And then everyone gets up, and Faith has this amazing burst of energy and flings eyeless dudes everywhere. WTF.

Oh, and of course you just can't forget 'running to the bus' scene. So let me get this straight: Buffy was stabbed and fell down, and was all dead-ish and the like, and then suddenly manages to pick herself up, run to the roof of the school, and start doing a "Spider-Man". Riight. That, and fact that the end scene (with the sun and stuff) was so fantastic in the sense that, thank God, the darkness isn't actually making me blind, but so awful in the sense that it reminded me so strongly of Smallville. A Buffy scene should not be reminding one of Smallville! Gah. And Xander has such a freakin' lack of emotion. "That's my girl, always doing the stupid thing. Jolly good she died, that."

I. Buh. Fuh. Guh. x_X So disappointing.

Oh. But Andrew was cute. I guess that was good.

And I'm going to Thailand tomorrow morning. Forgot to mention. So if any of you comment and I don't' respond, I'm not being all mean and stuff, I'm just being away. And yeah. >.>
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