May 22, 2004 22:34
today i went to my lil cousins birthday party in Seattle. It was fun i suppose..too many lil kids tho.
Then i got home and went to Allyes house with Amanda and Nick. We sat around there trying to figure out what to do..then we decided to go meet Mitch at the Tacoma mall...and on our way there we got Raylene. But like halfway there im guesing, Amanda decided it was too far so she turned around..and we went back up to Bonney Lake, lol. ON our way up the big hill of 410..there was a huge truck full of we slowed down next to it and held up traffic it was soo funny! cuz nobody could get pass the slow truck or us.
Then we were on our way to Taco Bell and saw a weird guy with a cape on..or excuse me..a cloak. We bothered him for a while, and relized that he was going to Taco Bell too. We called it his coincidence cloak..haha. Yea we got there and then Yoder showed up..and we sat there for a while, ate was great.
So after that me and Amanda had to check in and we went home and we thougth that Yoder, Allyse, Nick and Raylene were goign to Allyse's house 4 some we told Amandas mom thats where we were going. And Amandas mom checked amandas miles on her car so we could only go so far.
We showed up at allyses house...nobody was there. So i called up Yoder and found out that they were going to his house..and we couldnt go cuz to the miles on Amandas car. They didnt even want to hangout or be with us...they were just like "well w/e screw them" (they didnt say that..but thats what it seemed like). Ya know..i thought friends actually wanted to be around eachother...or do shit, or w/e...i dunno i just feel deserted? not even mad..well maybe, im not sure yet..i gotta think this over.
I just wish that sometimes people were a lil nicer...or like ya know cared....maybe thats too much to ask. Me and Amanda went out of our way..and drove there..and it was all just to get yelled make us feel stupid for thinking they were going to Allyses house...GREAT huh?
Yea well hopefully tomorrow is a better day..without ppl making me feel like i dont matter, or something. ..maybe ill get lucky and actually have a good day for once.
*my alergies have just decided to make me feel like need my allergy pill shit..but i have no more :(